Pi-top 4 Menu tweaks :)

@CAProjects: I think a knowledge base would be fantastic, this would definitely help a lot, especially for people like me who are not very versed in programming😂. I did come across this, which gives out some details:
Don’t know if you seen it before.

Yeah, the uptime, disk are pretty basic but they do the work😂. Would be nice if we can get a widget working for vcgencmd measure_temp and vcgencmd get_config arm_freq to output the info on the miniscreen. For me at least these would be very useful since I am running the RPI overclocked.


measure_temp and get_config arm_freq is actually easy I have the code for that as I made a system temp script for cooling testing

CPU Temperature

str(round(float(open('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp').read()) / 1000,2))+'°C'

CPU Clock Speed

str(int(int(str(os.popen('vcgencmd measure_clock arm').readline().strip('frequency(48)=')).strip())/1000000))+' MHz'

Both are 1 liners that gets the values and strips everything and formats it in 1 go. That’s my old way of doing it, would do it as an fstring now


This is what got me tinkering with the oled in the first place. I was planning on adjusting the looks of the CPU monitor and add temp and speed to it. Just been so busy with everything else, I havent return to it yet.


@Supernovali: If you get this running please let us know. I am also curious about the temp and speed displays widget😉. Thanks

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@Luis Are you looking for something like this?

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Wowww🤗, yess pleaseee😂. Can I also keep disk usage, clock, etc and use this also?

this is a seperate widget so you can add it as a new one, still working out some kinks tho

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Will the GPS code work in the same way? That would be awesome to have all these extra widgets at a push of a button. An sftp start/stop widget would also be something really nice.
Thanks again for everything :beers:

GPS code was done, its at the top of this thread. Was how i cracked making a widget


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Sorry forgot about the post, thanks for reminding me. Can’t wait to play with this later today😁

Here is what is the finished code for CPU load, speed and temp

No fancy animation or graphics yet, working on working that out

If the CPU speed is less than 1000 it will show the speed in MHz and if its >= 1000 then it will show in GHz


import psutil
from gpiozero import CPUTemperature
from components.widgets.common.base_widgets import BaseSnapshot
from components.widgets.common.functions import get_image_file_path, draw_text
from components.widgets.common.image_component import ImageComponent
from components.widgets.common.values import (

class Hotspot(BaseSnapshot):
    def __init__(self, width, height, mode, interval, **data):
        super(Hotspot, self).__init__(width, height, interval, self.render)
        self.interval = 1.5
        self.cpu = CPUTemperature()

    def render(self, draw, width, height):
        cpuSpeed = round(float(psutil.cpu_freq(percpu=False).current))
        cpuTemp = round(self.cpu.temperature,2)
        cpuLoad = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False, interval=1)
        cSpeed = f'{cpuSpeed} MHz' if cpuSpeed < 1000 else f'{cpuSpeed/1000} GHz'
        draw_text(draw, xy=(default_margin_x,common_first_line_y), text=f'Load : {cpuLoad}%')
        draw_text(draw, xy=(default_margin_x,common_second_line_y), text=f'Speed: {cSpeed}')
        draw_text(draw, xy=(default_margin_x,common_third_line_y), text=f'Temp : {cpuTemp}°C')
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@CAProjects brilliant, thanks so so much.

@Luis @Supernovali @duwudi

Well I have done it again :slight_smile: this time i have got animating widget image added with icons


How i done it was take the WiFi code and just take out everything i do not need and added the system monitor stuff in its place

This is the gif used for all the images,

  • Save it this gif to the pi-top and rename it to cpu_info.gif (assuming you put it on Desktop)
  • add it to /usr/share/pt-sys-oled/images/sys_info via
    • sudo cp /home/pi/Desktop/cpu_info.gif /usr/share/pt-sys-oled/images/sys_info/cpi_info.gif
  • then chmod the file
    • sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/pt-sys-oled/images/sys_info/cpu_info.gif

Do not forget to add a menu item for it

Here is the updated code for the animation

import psutil
from gpiozero import CPUTemperature
from components.widgets.common.base_widgets import BaseSnapshot
from components.widgets.common.functions import get_image_file_path, draw_text
from components.widgets.common.image_component import ImageComponent
from components.widgets.common.values import (

class Hotspot(BaseSnapshot):
    def __init__(self, width, height, mode, interval, **data):
        super(Hotspot, self).__init__(width, height, interval, self.render)
        self.cpu = CPUTemperature()
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.mode = mode
        self.gif = ImageComponent(
        self.cpuSpeed = ''
        self.cpuTemp = ''
        self.cpuLoad = ''
        self.cSpeed = ''
        self.initialised = False

        self.default_interval = interval

    def reset(self):
        self.gif = ImageComponent(
        self.cpuSpeed = ''
        self.cpuTemp = ''
        self.cpuLoad = ''
        self.cSpeed = ''
        self.initialised = False
        self.interval = self.default_interval

    def set_data_members(self):
        self.cpuSpeed = round(float(psutil.cpu_freq(percpu=False).current))
        self.cpuTemp = round(self.cpu.temperature,2)
        self.cpuLoad = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False)
        self.cSpeed = f'{self.cpuSpeed} MHz' if self.cpuSpeed < 1000 else f'{self.cpuSpeed/1000} GHz'
        self.initialised = True

    def render(self, draw, width, height):
        first_frame = not self.initialised

        # Determine initial connection state
        if first_frame:

        # Determine connection state
        if not self.gif.is_animating():

        # Determine animation speed
        # TODO: fix frame speed in GIF
        # self.interval = self.gif.frame_duration
        if first_frame:
            self.interval = 0.5
            if self.gif.is_animating():
                self.interval = 0.025
                self.interval = self.default_interval

        # Draw to OLED
        if self.initialised and not self.gif.is_animating():
            self.interval = 1
            if self.gif.finished:
                draw_text(draw, xy=(default_margin_x,common_first_line_y), text=f'{self.cpuLoad}%')
                draw_text(draw, xy=(default_margin_x,common_second_line_y), text=f'{self.cSpeed}')
                draw_text(draw, xy=(default_margin_x,common_third_line_y), text=f'{self.cpuTemp}°C')
            elif self.gif.hold_first_frame:
                draw.ellipse((69, 21) + (83, 35), 0, 0)
                draw.ellipse((70, 22) + (82, 34), 1, 0)
                draw.line((73, 25) + (78, 30), "black", 2)
                draw.line((74, 30) + (79, 25), "black", 2)          

@CAProjects wowwwww, I lovee it, looks so nice. Can’t wait to try it out. Well done and thanks so much for sharing this with us. The menu system is beginning to look so much nicer and packed with new features🎉

Noice! I’ve got a lot to do right now but on my weekend when I have less going on, I might start creating some modifications to the project launcher

@CAProjects: Thanks for making dreams come true🍻
It beautiful to watch it in reality, love the graphics👏

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Hay @Luis Luis, I am trying to do the same thing, adding an extra widgets to the main manu, I unblocked projects code in Manu.py, also change title and templet code in project folder, but its not working, the OLED stoped functioning complitly, although when I again block the project code in Many.py, it starts working, can you please tell me what am I missing. It would be great help.
Thank You

There is a guide here on modifying the system menu, something I put together for the community

Hope this helps

If you have an issue where the screen does not come back on, look at /var/logs/daemon.log and it will tell you exactly what the issue is. Any minor thing can stop it from working after restarting the service so looking at the daemon log is really handy