Battery Icon GUI Missing

I have the first version of pi-top 3, and I have installed Sirius, and I don’t see how the battery is doing, and whether or not it’s charging when the charger is connected. Can you help me please? My thanks

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Hi @agapieme, could you try running the command pt-battery for me and let me know what the output is. It may be that the battery icon GUI hasn’t loaded correctly but the pi-top can still talk to the battery pack. If you can see information like in my screenshot, then it’s likely the GUI


Hi @RezIN
First I appreciate the answer.
I have already discovered the source of the problem. The problem is in the alleged failure of the HUB that does not communicate properly with the Raspberry (with the GPIO). I found out with the lack of resources (no battery) response, after making the pt-battery command, and also after following the steps mentioned on the following page: -topHUB-v1
Now the solution will be to buy another HUB, which I don’t know if they sell. Or is there another solution?

@agapieme the pi-top1 battery doesn’t communicate with the Hub. The pi-top1 battery talks directly to the Raspberry Pi via I2C and the hub talks to the Raspberry Pi via SPI.

If you run pt-battery and there’sno information then this is indeed because the Raspberry Pi can’t talk to the battery. This could be because the hub isn’t connected to the battery connectly. Try screwing the nut near tha battery symbol on the hub to ensure a connection. This could also be because the 40pin ribbon cable between the Raspberry Pi and the Hub isn’t connected at either end.