Compute Module Upgrades for pi-top [3] - Opinions / Experiences

Does anyone have an opinion on either of these Compute Modules + pi-top [3] combinatons?

  1. Waveshare CM4-NANO-B + Pi CM4 or CM5 looks promising though will it will involve a lot of cable)

  2. Waveshare CM4-IO-BASE-B + Pi CM4 or CM5 (this would reuse the GPIO and and heat bridge but would require re-positioning the double-USB ribbon cable to the second opening in the pitop case - how hard is this? It seems people preferred to cut through the case instead so I am assuming it is not an easy cable to move.) So that might leave the first pairing as the only option.

I am aware there are some more ‘plug and play’ pitop3 compatible SBC options from Banana Pi, Libre (Potato, Alta/Cottonwood, Renegade) , Asus Tinkerboard , etc but if possible I would to stay in the Raspberry Pi ecosystem… if possible…
opinions / experiences from those who have used the compute modules with the pitop 3?

This new board from Waveshare for the CM5 also looks promising, again, if an inch or so of wiggle room can be obtained from the double USB cable.

I am wondering how it would compare to this board for the CM4

I am leaning towards the CM4 possibly because of the 3.5mm audio and the fact it could be “plug and play” with the 3B footprint of the Pi-top[3] including the heatsink bridge. Has anyone tried this combination (Waveshare board + CM4) to confirm the Audio does indeed work as intended on the pi-top ? I notice on waveshare’s page it says: “Audio Interface 3.5mm Headphone Audio Jack, USB Audio Solution” not sure what this means for compatibility. Maybe someone experienced can chime in?