Hi, wanted to document a pi-top[3] workaround for an issue in the only officially available pi-topOS build (pi-topOS-sirius_C781_2020-12-22_04-11-42):
I noticed that my laptop was running very warm all the time and upon investigation found there was continually a new Python process being started. Turns out the process was pt-firmware-updater
which on the pi-top [3] simply logs “This program only runs on a pi-top [4]” and exits. But there is a systemd entry that wants it to be running! So it just relaunches and relaunches and relaunches and relaunches…
The workaround I found was to do this:
# at your own risk!
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants/pt-firmware-updater.service
sudo reboot
If you’re more cautious and/or know more about systemd than I do you might make a backup first or disable it in a more proper fashion but I just wanted it to stop using up all my battery and this seemed to fix the main issue