My pi top takes 15 minutes to turn on

Hello how are you? I hope you can help me. I’ve recently noticed that I need to hold the power button for a longer period of time compared to my other Pi Top. Could someone assist me in solving this problem? I appreciate in advance any guidance you can provide me.

here is a video of the problem:

@duwudi can you help me

@luisherrera did you ever resolve this? I have 4 pi-tops and one of them needs the power button held down for a good 30seconds to a minute for it to turn on, the other 3 will turn on just by flicking the power button

Hi friend @xerox2k4, I could never figure out why that happened… I have another one that I use. The support is very bad.

hey; the amount of time that you need to hold the power button for the pi-top[4] to turn on is set in the pi-top hub; not sure why this value could have changed in your case.

to learn what value is set in the hub, you can run this code in a python interpreter. It will communicate with the hub to read the register:

from pitop.common.i2c_device import I2CDevice

    i2c_device = I2CDevice("/dev/i2c-1", 0x11) 
    i2c_device.set_delays(0.001, 0.001)
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Unable to read from hub (v3) over i2c: {e}")

value = i2c_device.read_signed_byte(0xA1) # in tenths of seconds
print(f"You need to hold the power button for {value*0.1} seconds for the pi-top to turn on (Register value is {value})")

By default, this value should be set to 6 (tenths of a second). If you want to write a value to this register in the hub, run:

hold_time = 6 # default value
i2c_device.write_byte(0xA1, hold_time)
# verify that the value was written
assert i2c_device.read_signed_byte(0xA1) == hold_time, "hold_time value wasn't properly set"