Pi OS update help

I recently tried to update to the newest version. During the update my unit locked and had to restart. Since the restart it will reboot but will not open the home page.
Is there a way to get a new SD card already flashed?
Thanks in advance.

I have tried every link and avenue on pi top.com with no success.

You could try and install the old version from here https://archive.org/details/pi-topOS-2018-07-09 .
Try using the RPi Imager tool for the flashing process.
Alternatively, you could also go with the official RPi OS and just install all the pi-top dependencies as described here https://knowledgebase.pi-top.com/knowledge/pi-top-and-raspberry-pi-os . This will download about 300MB worth of dependencies so it will take time to install. I haven’t tried if it all works seamlessly, but it should because pi-topOS is build upon PiOS. Good luck!