I have been having the same battery problem with my pi-top since day 1. I have replaced the hub twice and the battery 3 times but I guess this is a design flaw. But in any case, if I don’t use the pi-top for a couple of weeks it looses all its charge. Then some flag turns on in the battery and it will not charge at all anymore. So then I have to run pt-battery-fw-update to clear this flag so I can use the battery again. There is nothing wrong with any of the 3 batteries, once charged they work fine and power the pi-top for 8+ hours.
Recently my SD card failed and I installed Rasbian Bullseye, and I had some issues gettin the pi-top hardware to work until the following:
sudo apt install pi-top-os-apt-source -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends pi-topd pt-miniscreen pt-firmware-updater
I tried to install pt-battery-fw-update but it seems that it needs wiringpi which no longer exists.
Can some one please help me to get pt-battery-fw-update to work or alternatively let me know how to clear this flag so that I can continue to use my pi-top battery?
Many thanks in advance,