Pi-top 4 no oled display not working

My pi top 4 doesn’t work on the mini screen, I installed your operating system and it still doesn’t work, I turn it off and put it on charge and it doesn’t show the charge status either.

@luisherrera Could you let me know if you have a pi-top DIY or a pi-top [4] Complete? If it’s the former then it may be due to errors in the assembly

@RezIN I don’t think so, I’ve already done the assembly more than 8 times and it’s still the same.

In the video you can see that it does not turn on at any time

You’re right @luisherrera I would expect the OLED to come on when the device boots up but it looks like there’s a deeper issue with the OLED and we would have to get the unit returned to us either for a repair or replacement. Can you email to support@pi-top.com and let me know here when you have and I’ll expedite the process.

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Thank you very much friend, the truth is that I fell in love since I saw it and the design is great. She already sent an email.


EMAIL: theluisda99@gmail.com

Hi Luis, if you re-read the message you sent to support, you might understand why we thought it was a spam message

Jajaja vale, me toca enviarlo de nuevo o lo dejo así.

I am from Colombia, what would the process be like?

@RezIN Hello friend, how is my case? I have not received information by email