You’re welcome! I’m so glad you were able to get it up and going! I’m loving my pi-top. Really, my troubleshooting was just from years of experience with hardware. The real person to thank is @duwudi
Also! If someone isn’t active on the forum, unless they are “watching” your post, they won’t get notified unless you tag them with an “@” symbol. What is cool about this forum is that at the bottom of all the threads right above the “Suggested Topics,” you can select your level of notification for a particular thread. I think if you respond to someone, by default it gets set to tracking.
@duwudi, I can’t remember who we talk to about forum suggestions… Can we get it to default to Watching if we send a reply to a topic? And if we click on a topic and love something, can we get it to default to Tracking? Or let the user assign automation to that? That would be super neat!