My first Pi-Top[4] 4GB was from the Kickstarter campaign, I received it Aug. 2020, so I am sure the warranty has expired.
I am experiencing a problem with this unit not powering off as quickly as my other Pi-Top[4] 8GB (DIY). The 4GB takes almost 5 minutes to power off while the 8GB unit takes about 15 to 20 seconds. This first started happening about 2 months ago. I have been able to use the unit (daily) it just takes along time to shut down / power off.
The troubleshooting steps I have performed are:
Removed the 1 TB HDD boot device and re-inserted a 32 GB SD card with a fresh install of Sirius (pi-topOS-sirius_C781_2020-12-22_04-11-42) – same problem takes about 5 minutes to shut down / power off.
Installed the 1 TB HDD boot device on the DIY Pi-Top[4] 8GB – shut down / powered off normally (15 – 20 seconds).
Do not think it is a software problem with Sirius.
Searched the Internet looking for anything that might help, ended up on and it was suggested that I try a reboot -f to ensure that a reboot does not take 5 minutes which would help prove that the issue was in a userland process. Performed the reboot and it didn’t take but a few seconds.
The next suggestion was to boot with system.log_target=kmsg in /boot/cmdline.txt to collect system messages in the kernel log and review the log for anything out of the ordinary. Performed that on both Pi-Top[4]’s to help identify something out of the ordinary. Not knowing what I am really looking for I reviewed both kernel logs and did not find anything that might be construed as ‘out of the ordinary’. Did this review on numerous power downs.
Problem still exists – I believe my next logical step would be to replace the Pi 4B 4GB in the Pi-Top enclosure with either a new one or another one that I am using.
Looking for any help or suggestions?