Programming with js on raspbian?

Hi there.
I dont want to change my os, and I’d like to use Javascript.
I would like to do programming for pi-top 4 with C++ and Javascript to interface to the foundations kit sensors.
Are there docs and examples which would work from Raspbian? I wasn’t able to find info on this on the github.

to control it from a browsers or some sort of node.js thing?

Node etc.
Mostly asking if this has been done before and how much homework I can expect if I want to get going with it.

i think your best bet is going to be to interact with the components directly with GPIO pins as it looks like libraries for that are already out.

As for using the the pi-top with raspberry pi OS I think @Luis can help you out. I am sure he runs RPi OS and has it set up and working.

Not sure what language he uses , think its python but to get the pi-top set up on Raspberry Pi OS i am sure he can help you out

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@kraken most of our Foundation Kit sensors use GPIOZero, I found this C++ interface to it here but I’m not sure if it’s up to date or not - you could give it a try :+1: