@duwudi @pi-topMIKE Hope your ok with this and you can use this how you wish
With a couple issues with installing the pi-top SDK missing dependencies, I decided to make an automated script that will install the pi-top SDK and required dependencies depending if you have Raspberry Pi OS Lite, Minimal or full.
This does require internet connection and can be run via SSH or directly on the system
What does the script do exactly?
- Updates your system to latest version and removes useless packages
- Checks the Raspberry Pi OS Version || Lite, Minimal or Full
- Installs dependencies specific to OS version
- Installs the pi-top SDK
Raspberry Pi OS Lite missing dependencies
- python3-pip
- libopenjp2-7
- libilmbase-dev
- libopenexr-dev
- libgstreamer1.0-dev
- libavcodec-dev
- libavformat-dev
- libswscale-dev
- openCV
Raspberry Pi OS Minimal and Full missing dependencies
- openCV
Check what version of Raspberry Pi OS you have installed can be done by checking /boot/issue.txt and checking the stage number
- Stage 1 - truly minimal system. - no idea what this version is
- Stage 2 - Lite system. - publicly available (Lite)
- Stage 3 - desktop system - no idea what this version is
- Stage 4 - Normal Raspbian image. - publicly available (Minimal)
- Stage 5 - The Raspbian Full image. - publicly available (Full)
Stage 2, 4 and 5 are all we are interested in. 1 and 3 are unknown versions to me. I dont know where to get the images from so I cannot test
PLEASE NOTE: this script can take some time to complete so please be patient
I have tested this on all 3 versions, Lite/Minimal/Full and can confirm that it works. you will know that it works when the OLED starts displaying the pi-top animation then the menu system when completed
Single Line installer
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CAProjects/pi-top-SDK-installer/main/sdk-installer.sh | bash
leave it to fully run
Full Code
If you have suggestions on how to optimize this better, I would welcome the feedback
echo "Welcome to the pi-top[4] SDK installer"
echo "this script was created by CAProjects"
echo "to help with installing the pi-top SDK"
echo "What this script does is check what version"
echo "of Raspberry Pi OS your running and then"
echo "installs the required dependencies for the"
echo "pi-top SDK and also the SDK itself"
echo "This script will start in 5 seconds"
sleep 5s
echo "****************************************"
echo "* Updating your system before we start *"
echo "****************************************"
sleep 3s
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y
echo "Update has completed"
echo "Checking Raspbery Pi OS version || Lite, Minimal or full"
sleep 3s
if test -f "$FILE"; then
if grep "stage4" "/boot/issue.txt" || grep "stage5" "/boot/issue.txt"; then
echo "OS Version is Raspberry Pi Minimal or Full"
echo "Installing SDK dependencies for Minimal/full"
sleep 3s
sudo python3 -m pip install opencv-python
echo "SDK dependencies installed, Installing the pi-top SDK"
sleep 3s
elif grep "stage2" "$FILE"; then
echo "OS Version is Raspberry Pi Lite"
echo "Installing SDK dependencies for Lite"
sleep 3s
sudo apt install -y python3-pip libopenjp2-7 libilmbase-dev libopenexr-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev
sudo python3 -m pip install opencv-python
echo "SDK dependencies installed, Installing the pi-top SDK"
sleep 3s
echo "Sorry, you have an unsupported Raspberry Pi OS version"
echo "Terminating Script..."
echo "deb http://apt.pi-top.com/pi-top-os sirius main contrib non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pi-top.list &> /dev/null
curl https://apt.pi-top.com/pt-apt.asc | sudo apt-key add
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends -y pt-device-manager pt-sys-oled pt-firmware-updater
echo "We are all done here, Please check the pi-top OLED screen for battery status"
echo "if you see a battery status on the OLED, the install completed without issue"
My repo for the code