Resolution problem with pitop os on pitop4 dy

Hello, i have a problem with my screen resolution. I use a portable monitor res 1024x600.

The pitop boot on it with a 1980x1200 résolution. I change back to 1024, its Good, no problem, but when i reboot or switch on/off it starts a gain with the 1980 résolution.

It seems its the native résolution for the VNC virtual screen.

Some ideas ? I’m lost
Thank you.

Hi @Palourde56, can you try fixing the resolution with Raspberry Pi’s config.txt? You can take a look here on how to do that.

Also, you can try using the HDMI refresh button in the pi-top [4]'s OLED settings once you’ve plugged in your new display, see “HDMI Reset Option” here

Thank you, i’m going to investigate the HDMI refresh button this evening (not @ home)
But i’ve already tried without success to manually configure trough the config.txt.

By the way, the HDMI reset option do “This will set the resolution of all displays to the highest common resolution”, or the problem is that the highest resolution for the VNC virtual screen is 1920 and the on efor the monitor is also 1920 but its native is 1024, even if it supports 1920 (too small to be useful, it’s a 10" portable monitor). i think that the problem come form the VNC resolution by default.
If i change its resolution for something smaller, at the next start, it’s like nothing has changed.

Can i disable the VNC virtual screen (no need of it)? I’ve tried to disable VNC directly under PI os, but without success for my screen Issue.

Hi @Palourde56, can you send me the config.txt settings that you tried? Also, I’ll ask around about disabling the VNC screen settings as I can’t quite remember how to do that