RPi4 8Gb board swap

With figuring out that my pi-top[4] rpi4 has an issue with the HDMI ports, generating noise/artifacting, i swapped out the 4GB board that come with my pi-top[4] with an 8GB version (Rev 1.4), hoping a 64bit version of pi-topOS will be a thing some time too. short story, its not the raspberry pi

I also decided to swap the thermal pad to. Using Alphacool thermal pad - 7W/mK 1mm thickness and run a cpuburn.a53 test which is basically a worst case scenario stress test, which I also done on the 4GB board. Both run at

  • CPU - 2GHz overclock
  • CPU Overvolt - 6
  • GPU - 600MHz Overclock
  • GPU RAM - 512

I may have won the silicon lottery my 8GB board (confirmed, I did). both tests done today on a newly updated install. The 8GB board can run 2.147Ghz

pi-top[4] board (4GB Rev 1.1)

  • Over 30 mins test Idle, temps where around 40-41C
  • Over 30 mins test cpuburn.a53, temps where around 67C-70C

New board swap (8GB Rev1.4)

  • Over 30 mins test Idle, temps where around 35-36C
  • Over 30 mins test cpuburn.a53, temps where around 59C-61C

and just for fun here is my system temp monitor python script I made which has 2 possible arguments that can be run -m for monitor only mode and -l for logging mode which save all data to a CSV file

python3 system_temp.py -m

The code as a little out of date and was written for Python 3.6.2 but still works

import time, os, sys

def monitor_system(timercount,mode):
    cpuC = str(int(int(str(os.popen('vcgencmd measure_clock arm').readline().strip('frequency(48)=')).strip())/1000000))+' MHz'
    cpuT = str(round(float(open('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp').read()) / 1000,2))+'°C'
    coreV = str(os.popen('vcgencmd measure_volts').readline().strip('volt=')).strip()
    throt = 'No' if str(os.popen('vcgencmd get_throttled').readline().strip('throttled=')).strip() == '0x0' else 'Yes'
    if mode=='-l':
        return(str(timercount)+' Seconds\tCPU Temp: '+cpuT+'\tCPU Clock: '+cpuC+'\t Throttling: '+throt)

def write_log(log):
    f=open('system_logging.csv', 'a')

def main(mode,c=1,d=1200):
    if mode=="-l":
        write_log('Time (s),Temperature (°C),CPU Clock Speed,Core Voltage (V),CPU Throttling')
        while c<d+1:
    elif mode=='-m': 
        while True:
        print('No aruments given, no modes to run.\nUse -m for monitor mode\nUse -l for logging mode')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:

Silicone Lottery Result
I did win, the 8GB board with ICE cooler (slimline, with Noctua 40mmx10mm fan) i can get

  • CPU Clock: 2.147GHz
  • CPU Overvolt: 6
  • GPU Clock: 750
  • GPU RAM: 512

After 1 hour cpuburn-a53 testing: 38C-40C

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Wow, 2.147GHz is crazy high - got any spare lottery tickets for me? :wink:

What is the HDMI issue you are having? I thought that after you swapped the pi that issue went away?

Just seen you sent another message in the other thread about the HDMI issue, I’ll respond there

I managed to get my pi, 8GB to 2200 mhz, and GPU to 725 mhz… +7 on the voltage :slight_smile: gets up to 50 degrees during normal intense use and 64 degrees during stress testing. I havent tried to push any harder but the thermals are restricting right now. Before adequate cooling with pi-top, reaching 78 degrees would cause a crash.

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@Supernovali that’s awesome! What’s your secret to winning the silicon lottery? :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you still reaching 78 degrees with pi-top’s cooling system?

Just luck I guess. And no, even during stress testing, I was only getting up to 64 degrees after a 15 minute run. I’ll have to run the test again and upload a screeny. I do want to see just how far it will go, but I felt that a 10-15 degree margin during stress testing was the most I wanted to do.

Also, don’t know if anyone else is aware, but the maximum over volt value you can give it actually exceeds 6, unlike some of the overclocking sites says. I was unstable at +6 but +7 and +8 were stable. And +7 to +8 only increased temps.

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What thermal pad/paste are you using, maybe that’s a limiting factor?

I’m just using the standard pads that came with the pi-top. I’m not sure what the tolerances are on the cpu-heat sync thermal pad is, so I wouldn’t really want to try a thermal paste without finding that out. But I am happy with 2.2 ghz. I also wouldn’t want to find out the hard way how much voltage the BCM7211 can take… that’d just be 100$ down the drain :confused: