Visual Studio Code

I was happy to find out that Visual Studio Code is now compatible with Raspberry Pi OS as its my favourite code editor due to it being so flexible and configurable and its fully working for the Raspberry Pi and works on pi-topOS. personally i use VS Code all the time on my main PC and used to code on my PC and transfer the files to my RPi and then test if it works. now I do not have to

You can get it from the VS Code site and click on the “ARM” for the .deb and running it. Note it might flag it as malicious after its downloaded, its completely safe and is compiled by Microsoft themselves.

To install, run the .deb file and install it. You will find it under Programming in the menu

I only joined this pi-top forum two days ago, so a bit late hear your good news about VScode. Actually before I played with Arduino and Rpi, some 10 years ago, I used MS VS which I found very professional and user friendly, except that at that time it was not completely free open source. Anyway, I learned C/C++ and C# there. I vaguely remember at that time they also had F#, but then Rpi came along, so I forgot about VS altogether.

A day ago, I googled to find that pi-top [4] AI stuff (face recognition eg) seems using .NET C#. So we might need to know VS code, .NET C# etc if we are going to learn pi-top AI.

But I am going very slowly, so perhaps it should be a long long time before I resume my .NET C#. Right now I am happy with Rpi Pico Thonny python 3.9 (running in my Chinese Window 10) which I find very newbie friendly, and moreover, Google is also encouraging python for their AI (tensorFlow etc).

Update 2021jul03hkt0942

This morning I read that Windows 11 can now run on Rpi 4. I also googled .NET and C# for pi-top 4 and watched a couple of related videos. Now I know more about pi-top 4 DIY, Robot kits etc.


(1) Windows 11 working on Raspberry Pi 4 - 2021jun29

(2) Pi-Top 4 Review - Raspberry Pi 4 for making, coding, more for kids and classrooms. Plus .NET and C#!

(3) Pi-Top 4 New DIY Edition - Power Armor For Your Raspberry Pi 4 - 2020aug20, 403,036 views

(4) pi-top GitHub

(5) pi-top-Python-Common-Library (pre-release) - pi-top

(6) pi-top [4] .NET Samples - pi-top

(7) Hongkong ClassroomEshop PiTop (Green) - HK$2,400