I only joined this pi-top forum two days ago, so a bit late hear your good news about VScode. Actually before I played with Arduino and Rpi, some 10 years ago, I used MS VS which I found very professional and user friendly, except that at that time it was not completely free open source. Anyway, I learned C/C++ and C# there. I vaguely remember at that time they also had F#, but then Rpi came along, so I forgot about VS altogether.
A day ago, I googled to find that pi-top [4] AI stuff (face recognition eg) seems using .NET C#. So we might need to know VS code, .NET C# etc if we are going to learn pi-top AI.
But I am going very slowly, so perhaps it should be a long long time before I resume my .NET C#. Right now I am happy with Rpi Pico Thonny python 3.9 (running in my Chinese Window 10) which I find very newbie friendly, and moreover, Google is also encouraging python for their AI (tensorFlow etc).
Update 2021jul03hkt0942
This morning I read that Windows 11 can now run on Rpi 4. I also googled .NET and C# for pi-top 4 and watched a couple of related videos. Now I know more about pi-top 4 DIY, Robot kits etc.
(1) Windows 11 working on Raspberry Pi 4 - 2021jun29
(2) Pi-Top 4 Review - Raspberry Pi 4 for making, coding, more for kids and classrooms. Plus .NET and C#!
(3) Pi-Top 4 New DIY Edition - Power Armor For Your Raspberry Pi 4 - 2020aug20, 403,036 views
(4) pi-top GitHub
(5) pi-top-Python-Common-Library (pre-release) - pi-top
(6) pi-top [4] .NET Samples - pi-top
(7) Hongkong ClassroomEshop PiTop (Green) - HK$2,400