Project weather station underway

Well, it has begun. Well just making sure the sensor works first and what way to do it by making a system widget. This was the easy way of doing it by installing Blinka which is a CircuitPython to full Python bridge and using Adafruit a libraries. I plan to do it from scratch and maybe write proper native libraries


So the SGP30 MOX Gas Sensor may be a bust, i really do not understand the readings from it and it gives OS ERROR [Errno 121] Remote I/O error every so often

I also realised that i was given an extra TSL2591 High Dynamic Range Light Sensor so i have a spare one :thinking: and the card reader is not hooked up at this time




Wow, that’s a lot of sensors there, can’t wait to see the weather station project! Looks amazing :clap:

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Will be continuing the details of this here

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