Received my Robotics Kit Friday morning, reviewed the instructions for building ALEX (I’ll reference him as George). I built George yesterday and reviewed the SDK Documentation. I was becoming frustrated with my Pi-Top[4]'s not responding to the supplied command line interface code. I update my [4]'s every week religiously but the CLI wouldn’t work. So I removed the 32GB card from the DIY[4] 8GB model and reburned the latest image {pi-topOS-sirius_C781_2020-12-22_04-11-42}. This morning I booted up the DIY[4], configured it and tried the same command to see if the SDK was installed - same error Bash: pitop: command not Found. The Command as listed in the Getting Started guide section 1.2 "Checking that the SDK is installed and working is ‘pitop device type’ does not work. I believe there is a typo in the command, I used ‘pi-top device type’ and it works. I was able to check the Pi-top[4] battery with ‘pi-top battery’ etc.
Started my Pi-top[4] 4GB unit that is wired into George and supplied the new command ‘pi-top battery’ and it works as well - don’t have to reburn this unit.
I do believe there is a typo in the instructions where ever a ‘pitop’ command is listed use ‘pi-top’ instead.